Monday, November 3, 2008

Trying to post pics

I am trying to post pictures from Halloween but its not letting me. I will continue to try if not tonight tomorrow.

Remember to pray tonight and tomorrow for the election.... it isnt over yet.
"I know you are sometimes unsure, but I can to immeasurably more than all you
ask or imagine according to my power that is at work within you. So honor me
in your life and you will make a difference in the church, in the world and for
generations to come." Eph 3:20-21


The Rice Family said...

Yes that is Mrs. Brantley... she has had me, Jacob and now Morgan! I love her to death. Morgan really likes her too! Isnt is funny how she taught us and now she is teaching some of our kids!

Anne said...

Lori! Hey you! I would love to teach you- just give me 5 years to get everyone out of my house so we can have some peace and quiet! Loved AK's birthday pics! Your girls are both DAR-LING! Please, lets get together sometime!

The Lane's said...

I have been praying LOTS over the last 24 hours and I believe that our prayers will be answered! I will continue to pray for our nation and for every single person that goes to the poles today that God will lay on each of their hearts the right thing to do. It's more than just about a President to me - it's about our morals and values and where we stand with God.